- architect: van Baal Interior Design
- scope of work: LP2-LP5
The new café will serve as a significant gathering place and leisure area at the Techno Campus Berlin, and it is distinguished by its amalgamation of conventional industrial materials and innovative organic elements. The lighting will likewise emphasize its characteristic fusion of classic canteen and lounge and create a functional as well as relaxing and inviting atmosphere. The reduced and minimalistic selection of luminaires provide, through their combination, optimal lighting conditions that harmonize with the interior design.
The central bar area is highlighted through a row of diffused luminous lines, and it’s culinary selection additionally accented with controlled brilliant light. Simple technical ceiling luminaires with customized optics supply the green walls, circulation areas and counter inconspicuously with ideal illumination. Additional disjointed light lines suspended lower over the high tables and disperse ambient light throughout the open seating area. Small narrow-beam pendants create personal pools of light for the individual spaces along the banquette, as well as an atmospheric lounge areas.
- Photos: naaro